quintessence meaning

fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is… — quintessence in a sentence the fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and is the substance composing the ...

相關軟體 Quintessential Player 下載

Quintessential Player是一套免費的多媒體播放程式,並支援大部分的主流音樂格式,如MP3、CD Audio、Ogg Vorbis、WAV、VQF、MP+、Windows Media和流音樂SHOUTcast等,並且可以更換外觀面板,讓使用起來更酷更炫。 Quintessential Player可以更換外觀面...

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  • Define quintessence. quintessence synonyms, quintessence pronunciation, quintessence trans...
    Quintessence - definition of quintessence by The Free Dictio ...
  • fifth and highest element in ancient and medieval philosophy that permeates all nature and...
    Quintessence | Definition of Quintessence by Merriam-Webster ...
  • Quintessence definition: The quintessence of something is the most perfect or typical exam...
    Quintessence definition and meaning | Collins English ...
  • Quintessence definition, the pure and concentrated essence of a substance. See more. ... e...
    Quintessence | Define Quintessence at Dictionary.com ...
  • Definition of quintessence written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster ...
    Quintessence - Definition for English-Language Learners from ...
  • This idea was passed down through the ages to Latin-speaking scholars who called the fifth...
    quintessence - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
  • Definition of quintessence in English: quintessence noun 1 The most perfect or typical exa...
    quintessence | Definition of quintessence in English by ...
  • quintessence definition: Quintessence is someone or something that is a classic example of...
    Quintessence dictionary definition | quintessence defined ...
  • quintessence meaning, definition, what is quintessence: the most typical example: . Learn ...
    quintessence Meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
  • Definition of quintessence in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of quintessence. Wha...
    What does quintessence mean? - Definitions.net